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Product picture of Proline Promass U 500

Proline Promass U 500 Coriolis flowmeter

First single-use flowmeter for biotech applications with premium performance, cGMP compliance, and up to 4 I/Os

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Promass U 500 is the ideal single-use flowmeter for biopharmaceutical applications in the life sciences industry. It represents the response to the shift from multi-use to single-use devices and from batch to continuous manufacturing. Offering multivariable measurement, Promass U 500 provides enhanced reliability, high accuracy, and industry compliance according to cGMP. The flowmeter is especially suited for up- and downstream applications in the monoclonal antibodies (mAb) process.

The sensor comprises a disposable part, available in four line sizes, and a permanently installed base unit, fitting all line sizes. Heartbeat Technology automatically recognizes the flow range and verifies the validity of the factory calibration after installation. This simplifies commissioning and eliminates the need for calibration in the field. Equipped with built-in web server, WLAN, and up to 4 I/Os, the transmitter provides easy operation and additional process and device information.


  • Best-in-class measuring accuracy – Coriolis technology with multivariable measurement

  • Highest turndown ratio – one sensor fits all line sizes of disposable

  • cGMP compliance – designed according to the latest standards and guidelines, equipped with required attributes and documentation

  • Simple, fast commissioning – one-hand mounting and automated calibration data transfer

  • Self drainability or air bubble escape – thanks to different mounting angles

  • No field calibration needed – automated verification with integrated Heartbeat Technology

  • Digital integration – modern single pair Ethernet based communication protocols


  • Heartbeat Technology
    Smart instrumentering med Heartbeat-teknologi

    Vil du øke anleggsytelsen og redusere kostnadene? Vår portefølje av smarte instrumenter med Heartbeat-teknologi gir dyptgående enhetsinnsikt for mer kostnadseffektivitet og driftssikkerhet.

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